NLPU 101 Practitioner Foundation Skills
Course Overview

Welcome to the Distance Learning Program for Practitioner Certification.
The material presented here will prepare you for participation in on-site assessment and certification. This course will cover the essential "building blocks" of NLP.
It includes the fundamental mental, linguistic and physical principles and patterns that make up the core of the technology and philosophy of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The skills required to do NLP effectively and ecologically serve as a support for many different kinds of tasks, situations and contexts.
The objective of the NLP Practitioner Certification Course is to provide learners with the key goals, evidence procedures and behavioral operations necessary to:
- Recognize and Utilize Sensory Representational Systems and Submodalities.
- Identify Sensory Based Predicates.
- Detect Physiological Accessing Cues.
- Calibrate Key Mental and Emotional States.
- Establish and Maintain Rapport.
- Uncover Deeper Structures of Language through Meta Model Patterns and Questions.
- Establish Well-Formed Outcomes.
- Develop Anchoring Skills.
- Manage Personal States.
- Elicit and Utilize Strategies of Excellence - R.O.L.E. Model and B.A.G.E.L. Model.
- Reframe Problematic Behaviors by Finding Positive Intentions.
- T.O.T.E. Model
- R.O.L.E. Model
- B.A.G.E.L. Model
- Contrastive Analysis
- Anchoring
- Reframing
- Unconscious Competence
- Ecology
- Awareness
- Discovery
- Understand NLP Presuppositions
Practitioner Level Models
Practitioner Level Tools
Practitioner Level Outcomes
Judy: Beginnings Are Delicate Times
Judy: Overview of Practitioner Course
Judy: Introduction to the T.O.T.E. Model
Judy: Introduction to Anchoring