NLPU Course Schedule

NLPU 100 Practitioner Certification
Next Generation NLP

Covers basic NLP principles, skills, and models, with time for individual practice and internalization of material within each participant's area of application. Learn NLP from some of its original developers. Includes access to on-line Dashboard.
Online Training: April 5 - May 18, 2025
Prerequisite: None
Tuition: $2000

NLPU 200 Master Practitioner Coach Certification
Advanced Skills and Techniques

Provides participants with the conceptual, analytical, observational and interactive skills necessary for both conscious and unconscious competence in advanced NLP. Includes access to on-line Dashboard.
Online Training: June 15 - July 20, 2025
Prerequisite: NLP Practitioner Certification
Tuition: $2600

NLPU 250 Master Practitioner Bridge Certification
Next Generation NLP

This program provides individuals who have been previously certified in NLP with the key updates that "bridge" them to the next generation.
Not Offered in 2025
Prerequisite: NLP Master Practitioner Certification
Tuition: TBD

NLPU 400 Trainer & Consultancy Certification
Applied Skills and Strategies

The purpose of the course is to provide NLP trainers with
(1) a cognitive structure and rationale for how to design effective courses and develop the appropriate support material and communications strategy to support that course and (2) skills and strategies for managing the interactive and relational aspects of the learning context. The main emphasis of the program will be on the application of these skills and strategies to facilitate the essential activities of a trainer. Faculty includes Robert Dilts and other NLPU instructors.
Hybrid Program: August 2 - 17, 2025
1 Week Online - 1 Week Online or on Campus
Prerequisite: NLP Master Practitioner Certification
Tuition $2,920 Early-Enroll Discount until Apr. 15 - $2800
Private Accommodations and Meals for On-Campus Portion: $156 per night

NLPU 500 Success Factor Modeling Certification
Next Genration Entrepreneur

Based on the principles and discoveries of Success Factor Modeling™ (SFM™), the purpose of this program is to provide participants with the road maps and tools necessary to develop the confidence, competence and resources necessary to launch their own business or project and begin living their dreams while also making a better world.
Hybrid Program: August 2 - 17, 2025
1 Week Online - 1 Week Online or on Campus
Prerequisite: None
Tuition: $2800 Early-Enroll Discount until Apr. 15 - $2640
Private Accommodations and Meals for On-Campus Portion: $156 per night

NLPU 700 Master Trainer Certification
Trainer, Facilitator, Transformational Entrepreneur
This program is based on Third Generation NLP practices and principles that integrate somatic and field intelligence with cognitive knowing. A core purpose is to support the balancing and aligning of ego and soul - ambition and mission. Robert Dilts will be the principal trainer for this program.
Hybrid Program: August 2 - 17, 2025
1 Week Online - 1 Week Online or on Campus
Prerequisite: NLP Master Practitioner Certification
Prerequisite: Trainer & Consultancy Certification
Tuition: $3450 Early-Enroll Discount until Apr. 15 - $3220
Private Accommodations and Meals for On-Campus Portion: $156 per night