About Robert Dilts

Recognized internationally as one of the foremost developers, trainers and practitioners of Neuro-Lingustic Programming (What is NLP?), Robert has done consulting and training throughout the world to a wide variety of professional groups and organizations. He has lectured extensively on NLP, making presentations and giving keynote addresses for distinguished academic institutions and major corporations around the world.
Robert is also the author of 19 books, several monographs and over 2 dozen articles on NLP, including The Encyclopedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP New Coding, (co-authored with Judith DeLozier), The Hero's Journey: a Voyage of Discovery (co-authored with Stephen Gilligan) and his most recent book, NLP II: The Next Generation (co-authored with Judith DeLozier and Deborah Bacon Dilts). Robert's other publications are listed here.
Robert's current itinerary of lectures, seminars and workshops is available on line. Please contact him using the link provided on this website to inquire about upcoming events in your area or to arrange to sponsor an event.
More information on Robert's background and contributions to the field of NLP can be found here.

On this website you will find many resources relating to my background in NLP and my mission to: "Create a world to which people want to belong." If you are curious about NLP read my essay, "What is NLP?" To find out more about my work in the field, check out my biography. A full list of my publications is also available.
New Articles Now Available:
A Brief History of Logical Levels
Logical Level Alignment
Revised Edition of an NLP Classic:
Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith
Next Generation NLP:
The Inner Game Audio CD
Holding Difficult Feelings Audio CD
NLP II: The Next Generation - Enriching the Study of the Structure of Subjective Experience
Join Robert and Stephen Gilligan on: The Hero's Journey: A Voyage of Discovery
Master stress with biofeedback technology: Somatic Vision Mind-Body Integration Products
Article: During a Crisis Find Your Inner Zone of Excellence
Article: Coaching at the Identity Level
Article: Modelling Robert Dilts Modelling
On-line Course (English with Real-Time French Translation): NLP and the Art of Charisma
I offer seminars on a wide variety of topics relating to NLP and travel throughout the world sharing my knowledge on insights. To find out more, click on he following links:
My Journey to Genius website is a convenient place to purchase tools which will help you to learn and apply effective strategies for enriching your life. Please visit the site to discover the variety of media available, including:
Books and Monographs
I have also provided access to a series of downloadable Articles on a wide range of relevant topics, including:
Personal Growth

I am proud to announce that this important resource, which I co-authored with Judith DeLozier, is now available for on-line viewing. You may view up to 25 pages per day at no charge by visiting NLP University Press or purchase your own copy of the printed text here.
I have been a strong advocate for the application of NLP to health and healing. Among the projects I support are:
The NLP World Health Community
The Institute for the Advanced Studies of Health
As an NLP developer, trainer and practitioner, I believe that it is important for the credibility of the field of NLP that individuals and organizations honor the copyrights on printed materials as a way of demonstrating integrity and showing respect for other people's work. To facilitate this, I am providing the following on-line resources:
Guidelines for Using Copyrighted Materials