Robert Dilts' Seminar Topics

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1. Addictions, Compulsions and Identity (2-3 days) – Explores the relationship between compulsive behaviors and identity and provides strategies and techniques for transforming compulsions into choice.

2. Alpha Leadership (2-3 days) – The Alpha Leadership model defines a set of principles, tools and skills modeled from observing and coaching world-class leaders from around the world addressing three key areas of leadership: Anticipate, Align and Act.

3. Art of Authentic Charisma (2-3 days) – Covers some of the key ways in which to intentionally strengthen your charisma and use your passion to bring more satisfaction and determination into your daily activities and into the lives of others.

4. Art of Success (2-3 days) – Applies the Success Factor Modeling process to provide the road maps and tools necessary to develop the confidence, competence and resources necessary to launch entrepreneurial projects.

5. Artistry of Change (2-3 days) – Examines the “conscious use of skill and imagination” to promote positive change at a number of levels, applying the principles of “harmony, balance and beauty” to resolve complex problems in practical ways.

6. Authentic Leadership (2-3days) – Covers principles and practices to be more congruent, centered in yourself, aligned with your core values and vision, and connected with those around you.

7. Beliefs and Health (2-3 days) – Provides the fundamental skills for establishing healthy beliefs and transforming those associated with illness.

8. Coaching at the Identity Level (with Deborah Bacon Dilts - 2-3 days) – Covers skills and practices for increasing your self-awareness, understanding your strengths, recognizing areas for improvement in order to better manage major life transitions.

9. Coaching and Self-Leadership (2-3 days) – Provides practical principles, practices and methods for staying focused, transforming internal limitations and responding to challenges with more creativity and flexibility.

10. Community and Culture (2-3 Days) – Defining and putting into practice principles and processes for fostering a sense of community among people in groups and organizations.

11. Conversational Magic (2-3 days) – Teaches how to use your words to create pathways for generative change, to transform conflict and open up new perspectives of possibility by Applying NLP Sleight of Mouth Patterns.

12. Creativity and Innovation (2-3 days) – Provides practical tools and applications of NLP in order to stimulate, manage and enhance creativity at all levels.

13. Creativity and Leadership (2-3 days) – Explores the relationship between creativity and leadership in an organizational environment, and emphasizes the development of the practical skills necessary for managers and others to concretely and incrementally improve their abilities in both areas.

14. Crisis, Transition and Transformation (2-3 days) – Presents strategies for managing life change and transitions of all types.

15. Dealing with Double Binds (1-2 days)> – Covers the key skills necessary to identify and resolve double binds (situations in which you are “damned if you do, and damned if you don’t) in both interpersonal and professional contexts. Provides ways to the underlying conditions which create double binds, and some of the ways in which they can be resolved or transcended.

16. Developing Emotional Intelligence (2-3 days) – Provides skills and tools to increase your capacity for recognizing your own feelings and those of others, for motivating yourself, and for managing emotions in yourself and in personal and professional relationships.

17. Dynamic Learning (2-3 days) – Explores the development of effective strategies for teaching and ‘learning to learn’. Covers effective strategies for improving many basic cognitive skills including memory, reading, composition, spelling and more.

18. Dynamic Teaming, Collective Intelligence and Generative Collaboration (2-3 days) – Explores tools and strategies to help groups reach the appropriate degree of cohesiveness and alignment to release the creativity of their collective intelligence.

19. Effective Presentation Skills (2-3 days) – Covers the key skills necessary for successful public speaking.

20. Energizing Collective Intelligence (2-3 days) – Provides key methods, tools and practices to help people to give the best of themselves and get the best from others in order to effectively establish and energize the full potential of their collective intelligence as a group or team.

21. Evolution of Consciousness (with Stephen Gilligan – 3-4 days) – Applies Self Relations and Third Generation NLP to break through old mind sets, “get outside of the box” of existing thinking patterns and create new consciousness that both “includes and transcends” our previous knowledge and awareness.

22. Evolution of NLP (2-3 days) – Examines the evolution of NLP through each of the three generations, defining the value and contribution of each generation and how the tools and principles connected with each generation may be used to can be used in a complementary way to produce the most efficient, effective and lasting change.

23. Field Based NLP (2-3 days) – Explores ways to increase awareness of the influence of relational fields in our subjective experience and interactions.

24. Fitness for the Future (2-3 days) – Defines and provides key skills for managing times of change and transition.

25. From Coach to Awakener (2-3 days) – Explores the skills necessary to promote growth and change in oneself and others at all levels.

26. Gateways to Self (3 days) - Covers a variety of exercises and models for better understanding one’s own identity and mission, and for strengthening boundaries and expanding limits.

27. Generative Coaching (with Stephen Gilligan – 3-4 days) – Combines tools of Third Generation NLP and Generative Self to help people reach their deepest potential especially in managing new life situations.

28. Generative NLP (2-3 days) – Using NLP tools and models in order to take what is already working, expanding it, and making it better. Explores many ways to identify, strengthen and enrich personal resources.

29. Group Mind and Team Spirit (with Robert McDonald - 3 days) – Using NLP to promote effective team building and to release the genius of individuals and groups.

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30. Growing Through Intimate Relationships (with Deborah Bacon Dilts – 2-3 days) – Presents tools, principles and communication skills that help to establish and support functional and generative relationships; personal or professional.

31. Healing Patterns of Jesus (1-2 days) – Covers specific techniques based on Dilts’ modeling of the reported healings performed by Jesus.

32. Hero’s Journey: A Voyage of Self-Discovery (with Stephen Gilligan – 3-4 days) – A deep, innovative and experiential program that brings together the Hero’s Journey structure with the tools and principles of Third Generation NLP and Self Relations.

33. Hero’s Journey and the Five Rhythms (with Deborah Bacon Dilts – 3-5 days) – Uses dance and movement together with NLP to apply Gabrielle Roth’s Five Rhythms to create a somatic path for personal transformation and release the wisdom of the body.

34. Identity, Commitment and Love (with Robert McDonald - 3 days) – Tools and strategies for strengthening your commitment to your core values and sharing your highest aspirations with others.

35. Identity and Evolutionary Change (2-3 days) – Provides tools and exercises for sponsoring change and growth at the identity level. Covers ways to expand your potential and overcome unnecessary personal limits.

36. Leadership and Coaching (2-3 days) – Covers the key the knowledge, behavioral skills and personal qualities necessary to be an effective coach as a leader.

37. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence (2-3 days) – Provides skills and tools which help managers and leaders to improve their emotional intelligence in order to better understand their own feelings and motivations and interact more effectively with others.

38. Learning to Learn Systemic Thinking Skills (3 -12 days) – Provides specific tools and skills for learning to think systemically and solve complex problems.

39. Love in the Face of Violence (with Stephen Gilligan - 3 days) - Presents principles, practices and techniques for promoting states of belonging, connectedness and being within ourselves, and for transforming violence into love.

40. Modeling with NLP (2-3 days) – Covers the key skills and strategies necessary to model behavioral excellence with NLP.

41. Modeling the Wisdom of Jesus (2-3 days) – Presents patterns and techniques modeled from the various accounts of Jesus’ works as healer, teacher and leader.

42. New Tools for Transformation (2-3 days) – Offers specific tools and techniques to convert limiting beliefs into those involving confidence in a positive future, a sense of personal capability and responsibility, and a sense of purpose and permission.

43. NLP and Self-Organization (2-3 days) – Integrating principles of NLP with self-organization theory and their application to groups, teams and social systems.

44. NLP in Business Coaching (2-3 days) – Covers the applications of NLP to the growing field of business coaching. Provides tools to support personal growth in a business environment and helping people reach their full potential.

45 NLP in Health (2-3 days) – Covers some of the many skills provided by NLP to transform illness and live in a state of health and well-being.

46. Pathways to Leadership (3-9 days) – Covers the skills of micro, macro and meta leadership in companies and groups.

47. Pathways to Prosperity and Abundance (with Robert McDonald- 1-3 days) – Helps to establish the beliefs and strategies necessary to prosper at all levels, and in all areas of life.

48. Power of Presence (with Deborah Bacon Dilts 2-3 days) – An experiential program exploring skills and methods for staying more fully in the present, deepening our connection with ourselves, developing a more rich and full quality of life and work, and building close and effective relationships with others.

49. Roadmaps for a Changing World (3 days) – Practical applications of NLP and systemic thinking principles and skills to manage all types of change.

50. Skills for the Future (2-3 days) – Applies NLP to the process of envisioning and creating a more positive future. Emphasizes important skills for working with groups and organizations to stimulate creativity and innovation.

51. Skills of Sponsorship (2-3 days) – Provides a "sponsorship toolbox" for listening deeply, properly naming, awakening, and triggering dynamic reorganization within and individual or group.

52. Strategies of Genius (3 days) – Applies the tools of NLP to model the thinking processes of important historical figures; including Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes, Disney, Mozart, Einstein, Freud, Leonardo and Nikola Tesla.

53. Sustainable Development and NLP (2-3 days) – Explores the skills, tools and disciplines necessary to promote sustainable development on both an individual and organizational level.

54. Tools of the Spirit (with Robert McDonald - 3 days) – Experientially oriented program exploring how NLP principles and processes may be used to encourage and enhance spiritual growth and development.

55. Trans-Cultural Skills (2-3 days) – Developing skills for understanding and interacting with people of different cultures and belief systems.

56. Transformational Leadership (2-3 days) – Presents tools and skills, modeled from effective leaders from all over the world, necessary for “creating a world to which people want to belong.”

57. Transforming Beliefs (2-3 days) – Powerful techniques and interventions for changing limiting beliefs and creating functional belief systems.

58. Unified Field Theory for NLP (2-3 days) – An advanced program exploring how all of the tools and models of NLP fit together and may be used in combination with one another to achieve a greater level of mastery.

59. Visionary Leadership Skills (2-3 days) – Covers the tools and skills, modeled from world class leaders, necessary for forming a vision and bringing it into action. Explores important areas of leadership and management such as establishing mission and values.

60. World-Class Leadership (2-3 days) – Applies Success Factor Modeling to examine the essential skills and tools which can help to create world-class leadership within an organization.

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